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GNM Course:
GNM is a job oriented course, using which 12th standard passed students may enter in the field of nursing. Let us show you the course details in the content below.
Course For Both (Male/Female)
Course information
Duration: 3 Years
Qualification: (10+2 passed in any stream (Science/Commerce/Arts)
Age Limit Criteria: Candidate must be at least 17 years of age. Applicant must not be more than 35 years of age
Admission Process
Most institutes and nursing college follow the ‘direct admission’ process. Seats are allotted to deserving applicants based on the marks scored by them in 10+2 board examination.
GNM Syllabus 1st Year Subjects
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Microbiology
- Fundamentals of Nursing
- First Aid
- Community Health Nursing
- Health Education
- Nutrition
- Personal and Environmental Hygiene
- Psychology
- Sociology
2nd Year Subjects
- Medical Surgical Nursing
- Pharmacology
- Psychiatric Nursing
3rd Year Subjects
- Paediatric Nursing
- Advanced Community Health Nursing
- Midwifery and Gynaecology
Career Prospects and Job Opportunities
- Staff Nurse
- Home Nurse
- Health Visitor
- Community Health Worker
Diploma in GNM Course & Highlights ( For Male or Female)
Course level Diploma Duration Three years (3 years) Examination type Semester/Yearly Mode Admission Criteria Based on Merit/ Direct Admission Job Positions - Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Legal Nurse Consultant
- Forensic Nursing
College Location Haryana, Punjab, Gwalior, Banglore Eligibility 10+2 with Minimum 45% marks in any stream ( Science, Arts or Commerce) Age Criteria 17 to 35 years
Get Every Single Answer From Here
Nursing is considered to be a professional course meant for science stream. But there are nursing courses like GNM available in India which can be done after completing 10+2 for the arts and commerce students.
AS we know that this sector is grooming day by day not only in India as well abroad. There are golden opportunities available in government as well as private sector. students who have passed GNM course they got the jobs after doing this course.
Nice question to give the answer the examination mode of GNM will be annual.
No the students can not apply for GNM if he/ she got 39 percentage in 10+2. Minimum qualification is 40 percentage in 10+2.
One can do B.sc Nursing as well as post B.sc nursing.